

☁️ customer engineer at google
🏂 snowboarder
🍞 carb addict
🏘 real estate investor
💃🏻 dancer
✈️ traveler
📖 learner
👾 ex-gamer with semi-annual relapses
☕️ fueled by caffeine

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Goal Update

07 Mar 2022

Perhaps I was a bit ambitious trying to accomplish all my goals by end of Q1 (March). But I’ve made progress and I hope to meet all of them by end of H1 (June)! I’m still in the thick of it but here is the headway I’ve been making:

  • Pass 3 certifications in a single day

I’ve tentatively scheduled the date for me to take these 3 exams some time in April. My current project completes the end of this month and I’ve requested to have at least a couple weeks between projects to focus on my own initiatives as well as take a bit of a breather.

  • Decide how I want to lead, practice by doing, and get promoted to Associate Manager / Staff Cloud Engineer

A week after I had posted my original goals, I was promoted to Staff Cloud Engineer! This position has been a fun challenge. It comes with many new responsibilities and has forced me to think differently in the way I approach solving problems and how I communicate everything. I still have a lot to learn and will continue to make improvements! Regarding the decision of how I want to lead, it’s been a process of trial and error. I signed up for a Women of SADA Mentoring group and it’s really helping me think about ways I can bring my authentic self to the table. I haven’t come to a concrete leadership strategy but I certainly have a better idea and will continue to iterate and make adjustments.

  • Share knowledge while dedicating time to build my brand through engineering articles, this website, internal company demonstrations, etc

I’ve signed up to speak and conduct a demonstration at two company talks! One is in April and the other is in May. I’m not as nervous like I used to be when I had to do public speaking in the past. It has been a long and difficult journey of exposure therapy and consistent practice but all the progress I’ve made makes it all worth it. I also have some topics lined up to post on this site and I’m excited to share them in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

  • Successfully lead a team in migrating a client from AWS to GCP

This is a work in progress but I believe things are coming along nicely. I have a lot of thoughts and takeaways on this project but it deserves its own post.

  • Organize and moderate a meeting on an internal company initiative

This is the only goal I have made 0 progress on. I plan on tackling this sometime in April or May once I’ve completed most of my other goals.